Mother’s embrace bouquet


Product details

Mothers embrace is a tender bouquet that encapsulates the warmth, love and nurturing embrace of a mothers care. The soft pastel hue of carnations symbols a feeling of affection, gratitude and purity of mothers touch.
With Mozart Koogles Premium Chocolates pralines echoing the richness and depth of a mothers love.
Includes 7pcs of flowers  represents perfections and completions just like the way they raise us up.
  • 7 pcs of everlasting soap carnations and roses
  • 1 Small Mozart Koogles gift box
  • (7 pcs Nougat/Orange/Lychee/Dates&Coffee)
  • Wrappers and Netting colour of choice
  • 1 pc Best MOM Topper
  • Personalized message gift card
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